Our Services


There aren’t many dental procedures that have as bad of a reputation as a root canal does!

Root canal’s infamy has many people anxious at just the name of it. While it’s true that many people may have had an unfortunate root canal experience in their lifetime, it doesn’t have to be so. At The QPD, the wonderful Dr. Forghani will make petrifying root canals a thing of the past. With a gentle touch and aided by modern technology, he will calm even the most fearful of the fearful.


Root canals are necessary when a cavity has progressed all the way to the tooth’s pulp, and it’s usually the only way the tooth can be saved. Other than decay, deep restorations or trauma to a tooth may also cause the nerve to be damaged to the point that it needs root canal therapy. When the pulp becomes infected, the infection can even extend through the root tip and begin to eat away at the surrounding bone causing a swelling, pain and discomfort. The infection can weaken the entire immune system which is dangerous and very painful! Symptoms that the pulp has become infected may include sensitivity to hot/cold or sweets, pain, swelling, pain to biting or pressure, and a bad taste in the mouth. However, sometimes no symptoms are apparent and the person is unaware of any problem until a checkup.  

When presenting at The QPD for a root canal treatment with Dr. Forghani, he first ensures that you are comfortable and numb; then with the use of the most recent technology and minimally invasive protocol, the infected pulp is cleaned out and the canal(s) of the tooth is disinfected. Once the infection is resolved, the canal(s) is filled to prevent further infection. This process usually occurs in one appointment (in some extreme cases, two), depending on the severity of the disease and specific tooth being treated. Once the root canal treatment is complete, you will return to Dr. Salehezadeh’s care for a final restoration (usually a buildup and a crown).


Like all other medical and dental treatments, root canal treatments sometimes fail. And when they do, the consequences can be more significant, sometimes causing excruciating pain and/or risking the retainability of the affected tooth. In other words, if your root canal treatment fails – even if you don’t know it or have pain associated with it – in order to save your tooth and keep it in your mouth, it is even more important to have it treated by an Endodontist who specializes in root canal treatments. Dr. Forghani is the expert we fully trust at The QPD, for ourselves and for our dear patients.


When the inflammation or infection of an already root canal treated tooth persists, an apicoectomy may be advised. An apicoectomy is a surgical procedure in which the very tip of the tooth’s root is removed, thereby removing the source of infection. The root tip is then sealed to prevent the tooth from infection.  

When an apicoectomy is advised, the option of a root canal retreatment is usually not possible and if the infection is left untreated, the infected roots can damage other teeth, spread infection, and cause regression of the jawbone. Often times, the untreated tooth will be destined for an extraction and the advised apicoectomy is the last viable effort to retain the tooth.


Symptoms of a cracked tooth are varied and may include pain when chewing, temperature sensitivity, pressure sensitivity, or a combination of these. Because the pain often comes and goes, it can be very difficult to recognize what is causing the problem. It can sometimes even be difficult to identify exactly which tooth is causing the discomfort. 3D imaging is a key tool in diagnosing this condition.  

Even small movement of the cracked tooth pieces during chewing can cause irritation to the tooth’s pulp, which causes pain. Similarly, when the bite is released, the crack can close quickly, causing sharp pain. Over time, the tooth pulp will become damaged. As this happens, the tooth will hurt more consistently. Cracks -- small and large -- can sometimes lead to infections in the pulp tissue and spread to the surrounding gum and bone and root canal therapy may be indicated in some cases. (In more extreme cases, the tooth will not salvageable and an extraction will be warranted.)  


If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or broken, our Long Island City office can help you save it with a custom-made dental crown. This type of restoration is designed to be placed over a vulnerable tooth, protecting it from further harm and preserving the root underneath. Many types of crowns are possible, and our dentists are up-to-date on all the best material choices. For example, ceramic crowns are designed to closely mimic the luminescence of natural enamel. We always strive for the most natural looking results possible, but also take into account strength and longevity of the restoration of choice.

If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or broken, our Long Island City office can help you save it with a custom-made dental crown. This type of restoration is designed to be placed over a vulnerable tooth, protecting it from further harm and preserving the root underneath. Many types of crowns are possible, and our dentists are up-to-date on all the best material choices. For example, ceramic crowns are designed to closely mimic the luminescence of natural enamel.

Crowns & Bridges

If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or broken, our Long Island City office can help you save it with a custom-made dental crown. This type of restoration is designed to be placed over a vulnerable tooth, protecting it from further harm and preserving the root underneath. Many types of crowns are possible, and our dentists are up-to-date on all the best material choices. For example, ceramic crowns are designed to closely mimic the luminescence of natural enamel. We always strive for the most natural looking results possible, but also take into account strength and longevity of the restoration of choice.

If you have a tooth that is severely decayed or broken, our Long Island City office can help you save it with a custom-made dental crown. This type of restoration is designed to be placed over a vulnerable tooth, protecting it from further harm and preserving the root underneath. Many types of crowns are possible, and our dentists are up-to-date on all the best material choices. For example, ceramic crowns are designed to closely mimic the luminescence of natural enamel.